$44.00 USD

Messages from Spirit with Heather Hildebrand

Join me for an evening of love, laughter and tears. 

Wednesday, March 29, 2023
7:00 pm CT | 5:00 pm PT

Let me demystify the myths and misconceptions of psychic mediumship and channel messages of love and encouragement from your loved ones on the other side.

When one experiences the loss of a loved one it can raise many questions. Is there really life after death? Are my loved ones still connected to me? Are the signs I feel I get from heaven real? Is the love I shared with my loved one still as real to them as it is to me? Yes, yes, yes and Yes!

Join me in experiencing this truth first-hand. During this event, you will witness the miracles of communication with spirit. After opening up the event with a brief description of how mediumship works Heather will begin bringing forth messages from deceased loved ones to random members of the audience. Although it will be impossible for her to read for everyone this event is designed to be much more intimate and personal with only a limited amount of tickets being sold.

Witnessing the compelling evidence that love never dies will be an experience you won’t forget and you are sure to leave with a greater appreciation of the spirit world and the love and support of heaven.