Are you curious about your connection with the afterlife?

Do you want a safe and sacred space to learn about mediumship?

Are you ready to take the fear out of talking to spirit and step into your role as a medium?




Psychic Medium & Spiritual Intuitive Advisor Heather Hildebrand will show you how...

Now is the time to unlock your spiritual gifts

➦ Step into the power of your own abilities

➦ Gain confidence in making safe, clear and powerful connections to the other side

➦ Learn to trust your gifts with this online course

A special invitation...

Heather shares who the mentorship program is meant for and program details.


Mediumship Mentorship

Includes 25 Recorded Video Lessons 
Bonuses + Live Coaching Sessions

Level I has 6 Live Coaching Sessions
starts January 30th, 2025

Coaching Sessions Cover

  • Full Mediumship Made Easy Material
  • Concentrated Support in Building Your Strong Foundation
  • Understanding Your Unique Style to Connecting with Spirit
  • Clearing Fear and Building Confidence
  • Making Safe and Powerful Connections
  • Taking Care of Your Energy
  • As well as Extensive Q&A Sessions to Help You Master Your Skills & Practice Readings
  • No Certification at End of Course

Bonuses Include:
Signs & Symbols from Spirit Online Course
Private Facebook Community
Prayer & Invocation
Affirmations for Powerful Intention Setting
Snapshot to Making the Connection


Level II has 14 Live Coaching Sessions
starts January 30th, 2025

Coaching Sessions Cover:

  • Full Mediumship Made Easy Material
  • Concentrated Support in Building Your Strong Foundation
  • Understanding Your Unique Style to Connecting with Spirit
  • Clearing Fear and Building Confidence
  • Making Safe and Powerful Connections
  • Taking Care of Your Energy
  • As well as Extensive Q&A Sessions to Help You Master Your Skills & Practice Readings
  • PLUS​* Strengthening Your Spiritual Practices
  • Spiritual Tool Refinement
  • Intensive Intuitive Development
  • 16 Additional Hours of Real Time Practice Sessions with Continued Skill Building and Feedback
  • Tailored Coaching to Meet Your Individual Needs as you move through the course
  • Deep Dive into Building a Business that Aligns with you
  • Creating a Success​ Model and plan for connecting with paid clients
  • So much more!! ​
  • Certification at End of Training

Bonuses Include:
A Private 30-Minute One-on-One Coaching Session with Heather to be used at your discretion
Embracing your Spiritual Career 3-Part Series LIVE Online Course
Signs & Symbols from Spirit Online Course
Private Facebook Community
Prayer & Invocation
Affirmations for Powerful Intention Setting
Snapshot to Making the Connection


Receive expert mediumship guidance and support from Heather... and learn to trust yourself and your connections... 


I can help you safely and confidently step into your gifts with my Mediumship Mentorship Program.

  • Get Personalized Support & Training

  • Real Time Practice with Feedback

  • Uncover Your Unique Style of Making Connections

  • Build a Solid Foundation for Your Spiritual Business

Meet Your Coach and Mentor

About Heather

Hi there friend!

I’m Heather Hildebrand, Psychic Medium and Intuitive Coach/Counselor and Teacher.

As a lifelong sensitive being and highly intuitive person by nature, I know first-hand that having gifts and understanding them don’t always go hand in hand.

I can’t tell you how many times I wished over the years that I would have had someone to talk to about my experiences, better yet to have someone who would have understood or could lend me guidance. That is why I am super passionate about helping others find their way along their spiritual journey and share my 20 years of experience with you.

I know it is no coincidence that you are reading this right now. So, if you are even slightly curious, I would love to have you join me in this workshop!

I can’t wait to meet you and share more!


Learning to trust yourself and understanding your own unique style of connecting can feel challenging, but once you do...

it is a complete Game Changer!


Your journey begins here...

After teaching in person for over 17+ years, Heather has poured her heart and soul into creating an online course that offers you the same attention to detail as if you were learning in person. The Recorded Video Lessons break down important topics that you can quickly and easily review time and time again as needed. These lessons, combined with the Live Coaching Calls via Zoom, offer you the best of both worlds and allows you to do it all from the comfort of your home.

Building A Solid Foundation

Module One starts slow and steady, building a solid foundation to work from:
  • Gathering the plan of action: How the course works, Where to find and how to access all of your resources, How to send in your questions, and more
  • How you can get the most success out of this course personally
  • Understanding the power of love and how that power is the source of your connections
  • Uncover the truths about mediumship and get clear about what it is not The difference between psychic connections and information and mediumship sessions
  • Addressing the question … Is this Safe?
  • Yes, anyone can become a medium!
  • Responsibilities and Etiquette when giving a mediumship reading
  • Responsibilities when receiving a mediumship reading
    In this first session, we dive right into helping you uncover your doubts and fears. This is so important because we need to gain clarity around them so that we can move past them. Then, we bring to light your natural intuitive strengths through exercises that will help you discover the way that you connect and receive messages. Each week you will experience exercises and engage with materials that will bring forth the wisdom you are looking for and give you the tools to empower you moving forward. Extensive Q&A allows you the opportunity to get the help you need.

Understanding Divine Communication

Module 2 gives you a clear understanding of divine communication:
  • What it is and how it works
  • Understand your own personal intuitive senses
  • Deciphering the information that comes through specifically when doing mediumship readings
  • The three other “Clairs” that most people don’t talk about or know exist
  • Sharpening your techniques in discernment
  • How to stick with the information you are receiving to maintain accuracy
  • Learning to trust yourself
  • The blending of the senses
  • The B.L.A.H. method
    In this session, we begin to really break everything down so that engaging becomes easy instead of intimidating, normal instead of weird. You gather new ways to relate with confidence as you continue to fill your toolbox with new strategies for connecting. Exercises, Implementation, Review, and Q&A.

Opening Up to Receive

Module 3 is all about opening yourself up to receive:
  • Figuring out and honoring your sensitivities
  • Psychic Hygiene
  • Intensions- the power of them and how to make them effectively
  • Caring for yourself physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and energetically
  • Creating Sacred Space for Divine Communication
  • Meeting and working with your team
  • Making the connection
  • Sustaining the connection
  • Cutting Cords
    In this third session, you put all you’ve learned into practice. Learning is doing, and here we go! We look at many different ways to get the results that you are seeking. Everyone is unique, and it will be important to find what resonates with you and to have options because remember we are building your tool kit. And you want lots of tools!

Tuning In

Module 4 is all about tuning in:
  • Physical Relation and Mapping out your Connection
  • Understanding your Symbols and how they show up
  • Discernment and Trusting what you Receive
  • Addressing the “What if this Happens” Questions
  • Surprise Exercises to stimulate all your intuitive senses and awaken your connection
  • Delivering messages with confidence
  • Mastering your skills
    In this fourth session, we move through more practice examples and sessions where you will begin to fine-tune your unique style of connecting. We cover “what if” examples. I verify that you get the answers to any questions you may have and empower you so you can keep doing the work and honing your craft.


  • Signs & Symbols from Spirit Online Course
  • Prayers and Invocations that will help you create the most sacred space to work from both mentally and physically.
  • Affirmations to create powerful intentions and a clear mindset.
  • Snapshot to Making the Connection

Did we mention... We'll Be LIVE!!!


Join Heather on Live Coaching Calls for a deeper dive, more practice opportunities and exercises to continue your skill building. 

This is where your confidence will continue to build and you will step more and more into your power and gifts. 

Coaching Calls Are Scheduled For Thursdays at 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm CST

PRE-PARTY: January 23rd, 2025

WE GET STARTED January 30th, 2025

January 30th 
February 6th 
February 13th 
February 20th 
February 27th
March 6th

January 30th 
February 6th 
February 13th 
February 20th 
February 27th
March 6th
March 20th 
March 27th 
April 3rd 
April 10th 
April 17th 
April 24th 
May 1st 
June 5th 

May 29th will be the bonus Embracing Your Spiritual Career 

How Does It Work?


  • During this Immersive Program, you will easily access your lessons from your laptop, iPad, or phone
  • Enjoy learning from the comfort of your home and from anywhere in the world
  • The first four weeks, the course material is released one week at a time for you to access privately within our online student academy. Moving forward from there you will either be getting an email with homework OR we will be meeting LIVE via Zoom for our Coaching, Practice, and Exercises.
  • Each video lesson is filled with step-by-step training videos that are bite-sized and can be done at your own pace with the week.
  • You also have access to the links for the LIVE Zoom Sessions inside the LIVE Coaching section of the course.
  • You receive reminder emails when your weekly modules are released, reminders for the Live training sessions, and have access to those recordings as well. Once your mentorship is finished you will have time to download any of the coaching calls that you wish to keep.
  • You have an easy form accessible within the LIVE Coaching section of the course that allows you to send in any questions that you have along the way so that Heather can address your questions in the LIVE training sessions.
  • Access to course lessons is for as long as the course is available.


Loved the bite-sized video online sessions, this was easy to digest and so good the way Heather explained it all in easy-to-understand plain language. The exercises on the collaboration calls were really good and made me feel more part of the course. Heather’s style is really down-to-earth and very encouraging and with her sharing her experiences I felt more confident. She did make it Mediumship made easy! I am amazed I am doing it and getting results! It’s really uplifting and am happy to be of help to others, hopefully giving them peace and some comfort by passing on messages from loved ones. What a humbling experience being able to make connections.

I definitely feel more empowered and encouraged and confident to make connections and have been practicing with people in the group. Also, because Heather has explained so many different scenarios and had the opportunity to not only ask questions but get them answered has made a huge difference to me especially being in the UK. Wasn’t sure if would feel part of the group as most in the US but I have!

- Doreen S.


Words cannot express how much I loved this class. I had been looking for mediumship training in a safe environment with like-minded individuals, and that is exactly what I found here. Heather was vitally instrumental in helping me develop my own abilities in a caring, sensitive, and practical manner. I felt so focused and relaxed in the class, which made doing this kind of work far easier. The lessons and downloads were clear and concise. I liked that the size of the class wasn’t overly large. I felt my abilities grew in leaps and bounds from this course. I feel I now have the proper tools to communicate with the other side in a very safe and affirming way. The best part of this was the confidence I gained to trust in the information I receive during readings, and not second guess my own intuition..

- Shaun Mathui S.

Who Should Take This Course?


The Curious Beginner
You are being called to explore this part of yourself and discover where your strengths lie. You want to have a safe place to do so and get training from an expert in the field who will lovingly support your own unique journey.


The Ambitious Lightworker
You are aware of all things spiritual and love learning different modalities. You look for good, solid training in anything you study because you take your craft seriously. You may already be an intuitive or healer and are interested in expanding your offerings and the ability to assist your clients in additional forms of healing

The Already Working Medium

You are already a medium but know the value in continuing to learn and grow. You are excited to learn new and different ways to connect with spirit, to keep your connection strong, and take care of yourself and your energy while being of love and service to others. You like expanding your skillset with new techniques and exercises that work.

What is it like to work with Heather?

Here is what some of her students and clients have shared...

Loved the bite-sized video online sessions, this was easy to digest and so good the way Heather explained it all in easy-to-understand plain language. The exercises on the collaboration calls were really good and made me feel more part of the course. Heather’s style is really down-to-earth and very encouraging and with her sharing her experiences I felt more confident. She did make it Mediumship made easy! I am amazed I am doing it and getting results!

Words cannot express how much I loved this class. I had been looking for mediumship training in a safe environment with like-minded individuals, and that is exactly what I found here. Heather was vitally instrumental in helping me develop my own abilities in a caring, sensitive, and practical manner. 

I doubted myself so much with whether I could make connections and be able to validate those connections. Heather provided opportunities to practice readings during the course, which enabled me to see I could make a connection and get accurate validation!

Work Closely With Heather and Benefit from her
17+ Years of Experience and Wisdom.

No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, you can learn all the ins and outs of making safe, loving, powerful connections with spirit!

Here is what you'll get when you register now:

Discover expert guidance and support from Heather... and learn to trust yourself and your connections... 


25 Recorded Lessons that you can easily review time and time again. Value: $588.00


Coaching Calls with Heather. Join Heather on Live Zoom Coaching Calls for a deeper dive, more practice opportunities and engagement to continue your skill building. This is where your confidence will continue to build and you will step more and more into your power and gifts. Value: $2190.00 -  $5530.00


Signs & Symbols from Spirit Online Course
Value: $67.00


Prayers and Invocations that will help you create the most sacred space to work from both mentally and physically. Value: $44.00


Affirmations to create powerful intentions and a clear mindset. Value: $33.00


Snapshot to Making the Connection


Private Facebook Community – Connections with beautiful like-minded, eager learners to grow and share with. This is a place for us to stay connected outside of class and you can also connect with previous graduates who are super supportive. This Interaction is PRICELESS!


Have Questions? 
Click Here to Book a 15-minute Discovery Call

Register Now 

LEVEL I Starting January 30th, 2025


Value: $2922

  • 25 Recorded Lessons
    Value: $588
  • 6 Coaching Calls with Heather
    Value: $2190 
  • Signs & Symbols from Spirit Online Course
    Value: $67
  • Prayers and Invocations 
    Value: $44
  • Affirmations 
    Value: $33
  • Snapshot to Making the Connection
  • Private Facebook Community 







LEVEL II Starting January 30th, 2025


Value: $6780

  • 25 Recorded Lessons
    Value: $588
  • 14 Coaching Calls with Heather
    Value: $5530
  • A Private 30-Minute One-on-One Coaching Session with Heather 
    Value: $249
  • Embracing your Spiritual Career 3-Part Series LIVE Online Course
    Value: $269 
  • Signs & Symbols from Spirit Online Course
    Value: $67
  • Prayers and Invocations 
    Value: $44
  • Affirmations 
    Value: $33
  • Snapshot to Making the Connection
  • Private Facebook Community 
  • Certification at the End of Training

Enroll in the Mediumship Mentorship with NO RISK to you!

I’m so confident that if you complete all of the course modules and activities, participate in our group Zoom sessions (or watch the recordings), you will gain the wisdom, tools, and confidence to embrace your skills as a medium. If for any reason you decide that this course was not for you, you can request a refund within 30 days of the start of the course. Just email us HERE, and we will be more than happy to refund your full investment!